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I’m excited to share my next chapter — wellness coaching and empowering healthy aging. I recently completed my coaching certification through The Institute for Integrative Nutrition and I’m working on a further certification through The National Board for Health & Wellness Coaching. Please message me, or send me an email ( if you’d like to talk about strategies for kickstarting your New Year’s resolutions, or if you’d like to learn more about working with a wellness coach.

Life is an exquisite journey, and as we age, its essential to prioritize our well-being so we can experience the last third of our lives with as much vitality and meaning as the previous two-thirds. After nearly 30 years of practicing corporate law, I found myself seeking a different path, one that would allow me to make a more meaningful impact on people’s lives. This transformative realization inspired me to embark on a new venture — wellness coaching focused on healthy aging. Since retiring from law, I’ve asked myself: What can I do at this stage to truly make a difference? Alone I know I can’t change the world, but I can toss a stone into the water, and watch as the ripples impact others. I want to empower individuals as they inevitably grow older to embrace life, to take on new challenges, to feel vibrant, to build community, and to spread their wisdom. To age healthfully, we need to nurture our bodies and our minds. Healthy aging goes beyond the superficial. It encompasses the whole person, our physical, mental, and emotional well-being. It includes nutrition, exercise, social connection, love, laughter, and purpose.

As a wellness coach, my aim is to empower you to seize the day, shape your destiny, and discover the power of daily choices. Let’s talk!

Stephanie Daley-Watson

Stephanie Daley-Watson

Stephanie Daley-Watson is a retired corporate lawyer, spouse, and mother of two newly adult children. Stephanie spent nearly 30 years practicing law and is focusing (along with her husband Christopher) on making the world a better place over the next 30. She is a newly minted wellness coach focusing on healthy aging. Stephanie is an avid cyclist, lifelong learner, and novelty seeker.